Who we are.

Our mission.

At The Black Policy Institute, our mission is to champion the advancement of racial equity and justice through strong, evidence-based policy suggestions and community empowerment.

As a non-partisan think-tank, we are dedicated to addressing the systemic challenges faced by marginalised communities, with a focus on the Black community in the UK.

We aim to bridge the gap between research and action by producing rigorous, data-driven insights that are based on public discourse and inform impactful policies. Our work is based around empowering communities and individuals to be active participants in shaping their futures, whether by greater socio-economic freedom or higher representation in civic and political spaces.

Together, we aim to shape policies that enable the systemic transformation needed to create a fairer, more inclusive society.

Pillars of Focus.

Our Pillars of Focus are the cornerstone of our mission to dismantle systemic inequities and build a fairer society. These interconnected areas represent the most critical challenges facing today’s Black communities and the greatest opportunities to build sustained change.

  • Systemic barriers continue to hinder economic opportunities for Black communities, with disproportionate rates of unemployment, underemployment and pay gaps. Black workers in the UK - even with equivalent qualifications - earn on average 23.8% less than their white counterparts.

  • Black students in the UK face persistent educational inequality, including higher rates of school exclusion and lower university participation rates. These challenges limit potential and perpetuate a phenomenon known as the ‘school to prison pipeline’. We work to dismantle barriers that advocate for inclusive curriculums, addressing unconscious bias and promoting initiatives that encourage the Black youth to excel academically.

  • From substandard housing conditions to higher exposure to pollution and climate-related vulnerabilities, environmental inequities disproportionately impact Black individuals. For instance, Black communities are twice as likely to live in homes deemed ‘unfit’ for habitation. We engage with policymakers to ensure that environmental policies take racial disparities into account and include the voices of those most affected.

  • The Black community continues to face systemic discrimination within the justice system, including higher rates of police stops, incarceration and harsher sentencing. Did you know that Black individuals in the UK are over nine times more likely to be stopped and searched by the police? We are dedicated to reforming these systems by advocating for restorative justice, fair policing practices and racial literacy training.

The future generation.

We are dedicated to empowering young people to lead the charge in shaping a more equitable future. Through initiatives like the Young People’s Advisory Board and the Future Global Leadership Programme, we provide platforms for youth to influence policy, drive innovation, and amplify their voices in critical discussions.